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  1. A

    Service EV System

    I'm having a weird problem with my EV. This 'Service EV System' message popped up, and now I can't even put it in D! Has this happened to anyone else?
  2. N

    Locking issues with the rear door button

    Hello everyone! My car doesn't lock when I want to lock it by pressing the rear door button. It only works after I lock and unlock it four to six times by pressing the handle button on the driver's door. How can I fix this?
  3. E

    Aggressive tailgating by pickup trucks – anyone else?

    Lately, I’ve had a few close encounters with pickup trucks tailgating me on two-lane highways, weaving and getting way too close. One truck even passed, only to sit in front of me. The worst was a massive truck flashing its fog lights and getting dangerously close on a quiet stretch of road...

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