Aggressive tailgating by pickup trucks – anyone else?

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Lately, I’ve had a few close encounters with pickup trucks tailgating me on two-lane highways, weaving and getting way too close. One truck even passed, only to sit in front of me. The worst was a massive truck flashing its fog lights and getting dangerously close on a quiet stretch of road.

Anyone else deal with this type of aggressive driving, or am I just overthinking it? Would love to hear your thoughts!
I've been there and the best way to handle it is to just let them go. Your safety is more important than anything else. A dashcam could be helpful. It's unfortunate that we have to deal with this but it's a frequent occurrence.
You're not overthinking it, aggressive drivers are everywhere. Staying calm, keeping distance, and letting them pass is usually the safest approach. Stay safe
You're not imagining things. It's a wellknown thing in American truck circles, where people have a real thing for those giant trucks with big engines and horrible gas mileage.