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I just got the Nissan Virtual Key installed in my Karnaf. (I nicked named my Ariya Rhono in Hebrew. Since gun metal grey). This device along with app. Takes the place of the carrying a keyfob. It uses a Bluetooth signal to preform its functions. Went bike riding over the weekend and left the fob at home. Since Friday I only use the App and watch to access my Ariya. A shout out to best dealership Nissan of the Bronx. Thanks ordering the part and get this all set up. I highly recommend getting this. How the App works: When you want to unlock the door. Press to unlock and then slide to the right to enable the car to start. Which starts a sixty second timer. Get in the car and then press the power on button on the dash. if you do not slide to the right after unlocking the door. And try to start the car by pressing the dash button. You get a message look for keyfob and will not start the car. The Virtual Key acts like a third keyfob and can share the access to drive the car for up to seven people. This ideal if you have a family that besides the wife or husband childen with a license can drive the car too and do not need to have a fob on them. Also can set curfew limites and such.