Is Ariya's battery max 87 kWh or 91 kWh?

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Hey all, quick battery question!

What’s the actual max you’re seeing? Is it 87 kWh or 91 kWh? Which one do I use for the readouts? Any tips for getting accurate numbers?
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It’s 91 kWh total, but you’re really working with 87 kWh since Nissan sets aside a buffer. If you’re trying to get the most out of your range, keeping the charge between 20-80% and using eco modes can help maximize efficiency. If you want to see how much your battery is actually using, some OBD-II tools can give you more detailed data.
It depends on the BMS and buffer. Most report around 87 kWh usable. Check with an OBD2 tool for accuracy. What’s your displayed capacity?
91 but… 87 “usable”, of which you’ll mostly get 80 or so to 0%, but the car holds a healthy 4 or 5 kw back that you can use below 0%, just be careful down there! Don’t take it for granted.
At full charge via L2 my Ariya shows about 85kWh (via carscanner), but can still regen at 100%, which my leaf doesnt do. Does your Aroya show 87kWh at 100%?
Botched the overnight charge, left the house with 55% lol. 2 ev’s, a 240 charger, a 120 “solar charger” and 4 drivers all beyond my 2 operable brain cells to manage. A Car Scanner Soc and kWh check at like 35% came out to a theoretical 74 kWh pack capacity. Pack was 50 F and soh in the app was 99.9. Not definitive, sorry, gotta wait for next Monday unless wifey wants to use the ARIYA for a road trip on Friday. She likes the Bolt for our 300 mile round trippers, not sure why, but hey, she loves her car.

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