Where are all the ariyas?

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Just got back from an awesome 2500 mile road trip, and wow, EVs are everywhere now! Teslas were all over the place like, 80% of the EVs we saw, but we also saw a bunch of Rivians including the SUV, VW IDs, Kias, Hyundais, Bolts, even a Polaris and a Leaf. The weird thing, though, was how few Ariyas there were. Out of 252 EVs, we only saw two! And I was really looking for them, since I own one. Seriously, why so rare? I like having something a little different, but I love my Ariya and would have liked to see more of them out there. What's the deal?
Sounds like you went on an EV safari!🦁 Teslas seem to be the dominant species, but the Ariya is definitely the rare find, like the elusive unicorn of EVs. Maybe it's too busy making a grand entrance elsewhere! Glad you’re loving yours, sometimes being rare just adds to the charm
Same scarcity here in the U.K. Have driven 3or4 times to my son's house 320 miles round trip and not see one I feel quite special,or an idiot not sure which.